
Long Eaton and District

Singing for Fun

Status:Active, open to new members
Group email: Singing for Fun group
When: on Friday afternoons 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
First and third Fridays in the month
Venue: Sawley WI Hall

Group Leaders: Jean Henderson, Carol Clay, Pauline Brown


The philosophy of the singing for fun group is just that - ‘Singing for Fun’. Anyone can join in, no auditions, or requirements to be musical – just enjoy singing. Unfortunately we have lost our singing leader, but most of the songs she taught us are recorded on a Sony player so we can still sing to her music. Some of the choir members also sing out at various local places.

The group can accommodate a maximum of 70 members. Currently we have fewer than that number so we would welcome any new members.

To request further information please click Group email link above